Majority of the candidates were unable to:
- highlight the aims of the International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA);
- mention the precautions that should be taken when using a knapsack sprayer;
- explain ways in which soil profile and soil texture are important in crop production;
- draw and label the carbon cycle;
- give reasons why the carbon cycle is important to crops and animals;
- state the advantages of organic fertilizers over inorganic fertilizers;
- determine the expected plant population of tomato plants on the farmland;
- mention the effects of high wind velocity on growing crops;
- explain the balance sheet;
- write legibly and concisely;
- spell agricultural terms correctly.
Based on the observed weaknesses, the Chief Examiners recommended as follows:
- Adequate coverage of the syllabus;
- Improved reading culture among candidates is advocated;
- Candidates should be exposed to questions on calculations in agricultural science;
- The acquisition of practical skills in the subject through field visits, excursions;
- Exposure of candidates to technical terms used in agriculture;
- Candidates should write legibly and concisely;