Agricultural Science Paper 3, Nov/Dec 2010  
Questions: 1 2 3 4   Main
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Question 2

(a) Study the farm machinery illustrated below and answer the question that follow:

(i) Name the parts of the machinery labelled I,ll and III. [3 marks]

(ii) State one function of each of the parts labeled I and II. [2 marks]

(b) Two farm tools are shown in the illustration below

Study them carefully and answer the questions that follow:

          (i)        Identify each of the farm tools in the illustration.                               [2 marks ]
          (ii)       State two uses of each of the tools.                                                        [4 marks]
          (iii)      State two structural differences between the illustrated farm tools. [2 marks]
          (iv)      Mention two problems that could result from leaving the farm tool
                     labelled B on the field after use.                                                           [2 mark s]





This question was poorly attempted by majority of the candidates. In question 2(a} (i&ii), most of the candidates could not name nor state the function of the parts of the farm machinery labelled I (Seed box/Hopper), II(Press wheel/Roller) and III (Rotating seed funnel).
In question 2 (b)(i& ii], many of the candidates could identify farm tool labelled A(Hand trowel) and state it uses. Nonetheless, majority of the candidates were unable to identify farm tool labelled B(Digging mattock} and state it uses Furthermore, in question 2 (b)(iiit most candidates were unable to state the structural differences
between the farm tools labelled A(Hand trowel) and B(Digging mattock).
Also, in question 2(b)(iv), many of the candidates could not mention the problems that could result from leaving the farm tool labelled B(Digging mattock) on the field after use.

The expected answers include:

Name oflabelled parts
I - Seed box/Hopper
II - Press wheel/Roller
III - Rotating seed funnel

Functions of parts labelled
I - Stores seeds to be planted and allows free drop of the seeds into the soil
II - Presses the soil that covers the seeds planted

Identification of illustrated farm tools
A - Hand trowel
B          Digging mattock

Use of the illustrated farm tools

A (Hand trowel)
- Transplanting seedlings from the nursery to the seed bed
- For light weeding
- For spreading manure/fertilizer
- Digging shallow/planting holes on seed beds/planting
- Mixing the soil

B(Digging mattock)
- For digging the soil
- Uprooting of small stumps
- Harvesting of root crops
- loosening of hard pans
- Removal of stones

Structural differences between Specimen A (Hand trowel) and Specimen B (Digging mattock)
- Specimen A (Hand trowel) has a boat - shaped metal blade whereas specimen B (Digging mattock) has a thick block of iron blade.
- Specimen A (Hand trowel) has a short wooden/metal cylindrical handle whereas specimen B (Digging mattock) has a long cylindrical wooden handle.
- Specimen A (Handtrowel) has a total length of about 30cm whereas specimen B (Digging mattock) has a total length of about 100 cm.
- Specimen A (Hand trowel) blade is pointed only at one end whereas specimen B (Digging mattock) has one end of the blade long and pointed and the other broad and sharp.

Problems that could result from leaving Specimen B, (Digging mattock) on the field after use:
- Wooden handle may be attacked by termites
- Metal blade will rust on contact with water
- Farm machinery may run over and damage it
- It may injure farm workers
- Could be stolen



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