Agriculture Paper 3, Nov/Dec 2015

Question 3


    Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow.

  1. Identify the process illustrated in the diagram.                       [1 mark]
  1. Name the parts labelled II and III.                                         [2 marks]


  1. State one function each of the parts labeled I, II, III and IV.   [4 marks]
  1. Name the agricultural produce obtained from the process illustrated in the diagram.                                                                     [1 mark]
  2. State one industry that makes use of the agricultural produce obtained from the process.                                                                     [1 mark]


  1. The table below shows a list of insect-pests. Indicate the mode of feeding of each of the insect-pests in the spaces (i-vi) provided.


Mode of feeding


White fly
Stem borer
Cotton stainer
Cassava mealy bug
Yam beetle
Bean beetle





This question was fairly attempted by the candidates. In 3(a)(i-ii), majority of the candidates were able to identify the process illustrated in the diagram but they were unable to name the parts labelled II and III. More so, most of them were unable to state the functions of the parts labelled I, II, III and IV although, they could name the agricultural produce obtained from the process illustrated in the diagram as required in 3(a)(iii-iv). Also, most of the candidates could not state industries that make use of the agricultural produce obtained from the process as required in 3(a)(v).

Further to this, most of the candidates were able to indicate the modes of feeding of different insect-pests as required in 3(b).

The expected answers include:

3. (a) (ii)   Name of the parts labelled II and III
II   -    Aluminium slip                                                      =           1 mark
III  -    Cup/container                                                        =          1 mark

          (iii)  Function of each of the parts labelled I, II, III and IV
                I   -   Collects latex flowing from the plant/Serves as pathway for the latex to     
                        flow  through
II -    Guides flowing latex into the cup
III -   Stores the latex temporarily
 IV -   Holds cup in place                                                    

          (v)   Industries that make use of the agricultural produce obtained from the process
-     Tyre manufacturing industries
-     Foot wear industries/shoe manufacturing industries
-     Sport ware industries
-     Foams, pillows, mattresses and carpet industries
-     Rubber band/Rubber stamps/Eraser making industries