Building construction Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2018

Candidate's Weakness and Remedies


            The following weaknesses observed from the candidates’ responses are failure to:
-           list the members of a construction teams, e.g. builders team, clients team and
statutory personnel;
-        sketch the given setting out tools correctly;
-        state  the function of stair parts; 

  •       sketch conventional symbols used in electrical installation.

To overcome these weaknesses:
-           the teacher should encourage the students to get their own personal test books that contains the topic building team apart from giving them lesson note, this will help in guiding them to understand very well;

-           students should be well exposed to setting out tools by showing them practically to see while teaching;
-           students should be well exposed to sketches and labeling by giving them as an assignments on daily bases.  In addition the student should be given opportunity to go for industrial training for one month during their long vacation.