Christian Religious Studies Paper 2 WASSCE (PV), 2019



  1. Discuss the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost

  2. State three effects of the above-mentioned event on the church today.




Though this question was straightforward, many candidates avoided it. Performance in the scores of candidate to this question was below average in both Parts A and B. It was noticed that out of the candidates that attempted this question, many of them could not properly give the sequence and a narration of the events that happened on the Pentecost day. Apart from the general event of the disciples been accused of drunkenness early in the day, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the form of tongue and the boldness to speak afterwards, candidates did not touch the aspect of the discussion which carries bulk of the marks. The points missed out by candidates are outlined below

  1. Pentecost was another name for the Jewish feast of weeks, which took place exactly fifty days from the Passover feast it marked the completion of the wheat harvest during which they showed appreciation to the God of harvest.

  2. On the day of Pentecost, the apostles were gathered in an upper room praying.

  3. The room was suddenly filled with the sound of a rushing wind from heaven.

  4. Then there appeared tongues of fire resting on the head of each of them.

  5. They were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different languages.

  6. The rushing wind and tongues of fire were symbolic representations of God’s presence among the Jews.

  7. Many Jews of the diaspora from the Mediterranean world were in Jerusalem for the festival.

  8. Some Jews who heard and saw what the disciples were doing wondered how came these Galileans could speak their languages.

  9. Some of the Jews around accused the disciples of being drunk.

  10. The accusation of drunkenness was as a result of the strange behaviour and utterances of the disciples which bewildered the people.

  11. Nonetheless, the charge of drunkenness was wrong according to Peter in that Jews hardly drink before nine in the morning.

  12. Peter said the outpouring of the Holy Spirit was the fulfilment of Jesus’ promise to the disciples before his ascension (you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you).

  13. After his lengthy address, the people were touched and asked the disciples what they should do.

  14. Peter requested them to repent and be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins/ many were converted( about three thousand).

  15. The coming of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost has to be understood against the background of Jesus’ promise during the ascension that the disciples should wait in Jerusalem for the coming of the Holy Spirit to give them extra power to carry on with the ministry.


  1. Pentecost marks the birth of the church/ gives new life to Christians.

  2. The church has members who can now prophesy and predict the future because of the gift of the Holy Spirit.

  3. The Spirit made the disciples bold and fearless much the same way the church is now bold and brave in defending its rights and privileges and prepared to face persecutions.

  4. The Holy Spirit gives guidance to Christians.

  5. It empowers Christians to cast out demons/ brings deliverance.

  6. The Holy Spirit brings about peaceful, orderly and stable society.

  7. It promotes good human relations.

  8. Guarantees salvation/ victory over enemy/ death.
