Christian Religious Studies Paper 2 Nov/Dec 2018

Question 6


PETERS DENIAL OF JESUS (MATT 26:30-35, 69-75, MARK 14: 26-31, 66-77, LUKE 22:31-34, 54-62)



This question was straightforward and it attracted many candidates. It was noticed that out of the candidates that attempted this question, many of them could not properly arrange the sequence in which the denial took place as documented in the bible.  Also noticeable is the fact that points i – iv were hardly mentioned by by theh candidates. Candidates were expected to understand the activities that led to the denial as outlined below;

  1. After the last supper, Jesus and His disciples left for Mount Olivet.
  2. On the way, Jesus prophesied that the disciples would soon flee away from Him.
  3. This was to fulfill a scripture which said “I will strike the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered.
  4. Jesus added that he would go ahead to Galilee after His resurrection.
  5. Peter cut in that he would not desert Jesus even if the others did.
  6. Jesus then predicted that Peter would deny Him three times before the cock would crow twice that night.
  7.  True to Jesus’ prediction, the disciples except Peter fled away when Jesus was arrested in Gethsemane.
  8. Luke, however, said Jesus’ prediction of the denial came when Peter claimed dying or being imprisoned for Jesus’ sake.
  9. Those who arrested Jesus took Him to Caiaphas’ house while Peter followed at a distance.
  10. Peter mingled with some of the guards who were warming themselves in the courtyard.
  11. After a while, a maid of the high priest while passing by identified Peter as one of the followers of Jesus the Nazarene.
  12. Peter denied this saying “I neither know nor understand what you mean”.
  13. Peter then moved to the gateway, where another man next to him told the bystanders that Peter was with Jesus.
  14. Peter quickly denied for the second time that he didn’t even know Jesus.
  15. After a while, the bystanders confronted Peter that he was a disciple of Jesus for his accent revealed him as a Galilean.
  16. Peter became angry invoking curses and swearing for not knowing Jesus.
  17. Immediately, the cock crowed twice when he denied Jesus the third time.
  18. Peter then recalled Jesus’ prediction that before the cock crowed twice he would have denied Him three times.
  19. Peter left the place as he broke down and wept bitterly.


The B part was less challenging to candidates. They used their residual knowledge to answer this question as it applies to their everyday lives. Though they guessed their way through the answers, in most cases they guessed right. Points expected of candidates are outlined below.

  1. Lack of parental care/love/affection.
  2. Wickedness/ maltreatment/ insults of parents.
  3. Unfaithfulness in marital issues.
  4. Neglect/ denial of basic needs.
  5. Sacrilege/ Incest/ Grievous sins e.g.: murder, seizure of properties.
  6. Refusal to parent a child/ disowning of pregnancies.
  7. Treachery/ cheating/ deceits/ betrayals.
  8. Breaking of covenants/ Vows/ Secret revelations.
  9. Some parents mistreat their spouses and their children become bitter against them, hence renouncing them as parents later on.
  10. Some parents who travel outside the country refuse to care for their spouse and children. When one spouse toils to care for the children, the children grow to hate the other parent.
  11. Some parents become alcoholic and their children become ashamed to call them their parents before their friends.