Question 1
Produce the test piece shown below, using timber which has been planed to the following sizes:
Three pieces - 20 x 120 x 210
Candidates were required to make through dovetail joint for the model of a table organizer. Most candidates were able to make the joint correctly. However, some of them could not make the joint correctly as required.
Each candidates workpiece was to have two tails and two sockets at the left side fitted together without splitting.
Candidates were required to make pin joint for the Model of a table organizer.
Most candidates were able to make two mortises and cut two tenons at the right side of the table organizer. However few of them were unable to make it as required.
Each candidate’s work piece was to have two mortises and two tenons at the right side of the table organizer.
Candidates were required to assemble the workpiece correctly and clean up. Most candidates were able to assemble their final workpiece correctly. However few of them were unable to assemble their final work piece correctly.
Each candidates final workpieces must be well assembled and give a smooth surface.