Commerce WASSCE (SC), 2017

Question 2


  1. Define communication.
  2. List six means of communication in business.
  3. In what four ways is communication important to a business?


Part a. and b. of the question were answered correctly by candidates. However, some candidate limited their answers to part c. to communication between managers and their staff.          




The expected responses are.

            2a. Communication is the transmission of messages or information from one source to another.

            2b. Means of Communication

                (i) Word of mouth (oral)
(ii) Letters I Memo
(iii) Circulars
(iv) Radios
(v) Telephone
(vi) E-mail
(vii) Internet
(viii) Journals /Newspapers/Magazines
(ix) Catalogues
(x) Neon Signs
(xi) Posters/Bill Boards
(xii) Fax

2c. Importance of Communication in Business

                  (i) It enhances contact with suppliers of goods and services.
(ii) For advertisements- Businesses need to inform the public about the availability of their
(iii) Communication is needed for payment of business transactions.
(iv) Communication aids effective business management by providing the necessary 
information for sound decisions and also keeping staff and management well informed.
(v) Feedback/Contact with customers - Communication helps a business to interact with

                     its customers/market research thus enabling firms to improve their products.