Computer Studies Paper 2, WASSCE (SC), 2019

Question 5


(a)(i)  Define the term encryption.

(ii)  Tick two authentication techniques involved in security measure from

Table 1











(iii)   Outline two features of data encryption.  

(b)   While exchanging data with a friend through your mobile phone, you observed that it took a longer
time than usual.  Outline four factors that may be responsible for the delay in the data transfer.




 The expected answers were:  

 (a)  (i) encryption

is the conversion of electronic data into another form which cannot be
easily understood by anyone else except authorized parties.


Encryption is the process of using an algorithm to transform/convert information
to make it unreadable for unauthorized user(s)
to make it unreadable for unauthorized user(s)
Encryption is the coding of information in order to keep it secret from to make it unreadable for unauthorized user(s)
unauthorized user(s)
to make it unreadable for unauthorized user(s)
Encryption is the process of transforming data into unintelligible form in such a
to make it unreadable for unauthorized user(s)
way that the original data either cannot be obtained or can be obtained only byusing a decryption process
to make it unreadable for unauthorized user(s)
 (ii) Table 1:


TICK   (√)







(iii)  Features of Data Encryption

  • a key is needed to decrypt data
  • only authorized user can understand the data
  • it makes computer access difficult
  • it prevents virus
  • involves use of algorithm
  • data is encoded                                                 

(b)  Factors responsible for the delay in data transfer

  • Network traffic                         
  • Size of data
  • Bandwidth               
  • Cell reception
  • Baud rate
  • Distance between the phones
  • Alignment of the phones
  • Attenuation
  • Types of application in use on both phones
  • Limited storage capacity
  • Virus infection/attack
  • Network signal strength
  • Ram capacity

Candidates were required to answer questions on computer data encryption.
The chief examiner reported that most of the candidates demonstrated good knowledge of the area tested.