Data Processing Paper 2, WASSCE (SC), 2016

Question 2

  1. Define information processing.
  2. State four steps involved in information processing.
  3. Mention three advantages of using computers for information processing.
  4. Highlight three disadvantages of using computers for information processing.



 (a)  Information processing is the process of acquiring/obtaining/collecting/gathering/retrieving, manipulating/handling/analysing, recording/storing and presenting/display/dissemination of information.
Information processing refers to the manipulation of digitized Information by Computers and other digital electronic equipment.


(b)  Steps involved in Information processing are:
(i)  Collation of Information
(ii)  Organization of Information
(iii)  Analysis of Information
(iv)  Interpretation of Information    

(c)  Advantages of using Computer for Information processing are:

  1. Efficiency
  2. Automation
  3. Reliability
  4. Volume/Storage
  5. High speed
  6. Accuracy  
  7.  Security                 
  8. Sharing of Information/Sharing of Resources
  9. Economical
  10. Lower overall cost
  11. Versatility
  12. Service Improvement 
  13. Easy retrieval                                                              

(d)  Disadvantages of using Computers for Information processing

  1. High initial investment cost
  2. Loss of jobs due to Computerization
  3. Requires specialized personnel
  4. Extra cost of retraining of staff
  5. Virus/Hackers susceptibility
  6. Face-to-Face Interaction among staff may be reduced
  7. Prone to unauthorized access
  8. Overwriting/Loss of Data
  9. Power dependent
  10. System failure/ system malfunctioning          

Candidates demonstrated good knowledge of information processing in their responses.