Fisheries Paper 2 Alt B, WASSCE (SC), 2018

Question 5


  1. (i)  Explain the term fish preservation.  [3 marks]

(ii) List three methods of fish preservation.   [3 marks]

  1. (i)  Define the term artificial breeding of fish.  [2 marks]

(ii) State three ways in which artificial breeding of fish is important.    [3 marks]

  1. (i)  List five equipment and materials used in artificial breeding of fish. [5 marks]

(ii) State four fish nursery management practices.      [4 marks]



This is a popular question among the candidates as majority of them responded to it.
In part (a), majority of the candidates were able to explain fish preservation. They equally listed three methods of fish preservation correctly.

In part (b), majority of the candidates found it difficult to define the term artificial breeding of fish. However, they were able to state three ways in which artificial breeding of fish is important.

In part (c), majority of the candidates could not state four fish nursery management practices.


The expected answers include:

(a)  (i)        Explanation of fish preservation

Fish preservation involves a series of activities carried out to prevent fish spoilage or lengthen shelf life. It is designed to inhibit the activities of agents which cause fish spoilage and the metabolic changes that results in loss of fish quality

(ii)       Methods of fish preservation

-           sun drying
-           smoking
-           salting
-           frying
-           freezing
-           canning
-           pickling
-           cooking/boiling
-           fermentation

(b)       (i)        Definition of artificial breeding of fish

It is the manipulation of sexually matured fish to spawn or reproduce in captivity
(ii)       Importance of artificial breeding of fish

-           to obtain large quantities of fish seed
-           to obtain high quality hybrids/seeds
-           to make fingerlings readily available throughout the year
-           to reduce dependency on wild stock
-           to create better conditions for growth and survival of fish
-           to ensure the availability of parasite and disease free fish seed

(c)     (i)        Equipment and materials used in artificial breeding of fish

-           syringes
-           bowls / basins
-           happa
-           dissecting sets
-           aquaria tanks
-           disinfectants
-           aerators
-           hormones
-           microscope
-           hatching troughs
-           spawning mat
-           fish feed
-           scoop net

(ii)       Management practices in fish nursery

-           maintain optimum water conditions
-           feed with natural food organisms (plankton)
-           introduce artificial feed based on size
-           separate dead / unfertilized eggs from hatchlings
-           transfer to production / grow-out ponds / tanks
-           sort shooters / jumpers from runts
-           aeration of nursery pond
-           flushing of pond water

  -           proper sanitation  practices