Fisheries Paper 3 Alt B., May/June 2015

Question 4

    (a) Identify the stage of growth of specimen L.                                         [ 1 mark ]

    (b) (i)         State one observable difference between specimens M and N.    [ 2 marks ]

    (ii)  Identify the sex of each of specimens M and N based on the observation in   
    4(b)(i) above.                                                                                   [ 2 marks ]

    (c) Describe the artificial process of obtaining specimen L from specimens M and N.[ 10 marks ]


         This question was well attempted by the candidates.  Most of the candidates were able to
          identify the stage of growth of specimen L(Fingerling) as required in 4(a). Furthermore,
          majority of the candidates were able to state the observable difference between
          specimens M (Adult female Clarias) and N (Adult male Clarias) and identify the sex of
          specimens M(Adult female Clarias)  and N(Adult male Clarias) based on observation
          as required in 4(b)(i) and 4(b)(ii) respectively.
          Finally, most of the candidates were unable to describe the artificial process of obtaining
          specimen L(Fingerling) from specimens M(Adult female Clarias)  and N(Adult male
          Clarias) as required in 4(c).

          The expected answers include:

4  (c)    Artificial process of obtaining Specimen L from Specimens M and N

-      Specimen M is injected with hormone/specimens M and N are injected with hormone to hasten egg and milt maturatio
-      Ovulation takes place 10 – 12 hours after injection

-      Specimen M is stripped to release egg/ spawn into a dry bowl by gently pressing the abdomen
-      Specimen N is sacrificed to obtain the testes
-            Specimen N is squeezed to obtain the milt
-      The eggs and milt are mixed together with feather or plastic spoon to effect fertilization
-      Water is added/saline water is added
-      The eggs are then incubated and hatched in a flow-through trough/on kakaban/netting material
-      The hatchlings will start swimming out after 24 – 36 hours depending temperature
-      Dark area is created for the hatchlings to congregate in/move to
-      The hatchlings are separated/removed from the unhatched eggs or siphon out
dead/unhatched eggs
-      Feeding of hatchlings commences immediately yolk sacs are absorbed
-      The hatchlings develop into fry which develop into fingerlings/Fry develops into  