Further Mathematics Paper 2, Nov/Dec. 2010  
Questions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Main
General Comments
Question 10

(a) If x² + y² = py (1 + X²), where p is a constant, find dy .

(b) A curve cuts the x-axis at the points where x = 0 and x = 3. If d²y = 4(3-x)²
  find the equation of the curve.                                               dx


This question was reportedly attempted by majority of the candidates and they performed well in it.
In part (a), candidates were able to differentiate X² + y² = py(1+X)² with respect to x as follows:
2x + 2ydy = pxy + px² + dy . Bringing like terms together we have
           dx                           dx
                                                              2 dy                                    
(2y - p - px² ) dy = 2pxy - 2x⇒ dy = 2pxy - 2x
                        dx                         dx
   2y - P - px²                        

In part (b) majority of candidates were able to integrate d²y = 4(3-x)² twice with respect to x,
substitute the values x = 0 and x=3 correctly to obtain the required equation as follows:
4(3 - X)² = 4(9 - 6x + X²) = 36 - 24x + 4X²
∫4(3-x)² = ∫(36-24x+4x²2)dx =36x-12x²+4/3X³+C.
∫(36x - 12x³+ 4/3x³ + c)dx = 18x² - 4x³ + 1/3X4 + cx + k
Let the required equation be y. Then, y = 18x² - 4x³ + 1/3X4 + cx + k
When x = 0, y= 18(0)² - 4(0)³ + c(O) + 1/3 (0)4 + k= O. k = O.
Whenx=3, 162-108+3c+27=03c=-81. c=-27.
Hence, Y = 1/3X4 - 4x³ + 18x² - 27x

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