Geography Paper 3 Nov/Dec 2015

Question 6

  1. Define igneous rocks.
  2. Describe four characteristics of igneous rocks.
  3. In what two ways are rocks important to mankind?


This was a very popular question answered by many of the candidates and their performance was very good. They were able to correctly define igneous rocks as rocks formed by the cooling and solidification of magma from beneath the earth crust; described its characteristics which included:
-           crystalline;
-           do not contain fossil;
-           non stratified;
-           usually hard;
-           impervious;
-           resistant to erosion;
-           varied in colour.
They also stated the importance of rocks to mankind notably:
-           soil formation;
-           source of minerals;
-           tourist attraction;
-           raw materials to industries;
-           as ornaments;
-           construction purposes;
-           Source of fuel;
-           for domestic uses, e.g. grinding stones.