Geography Paper 3 Aug./Sept. 2018




The weaknesses observed in candidates’ scripts are explained below.

  1. Poor expression: Some candidates could not express themselves clearly. This made it impossible for the examiners to understand what those candidates really meant.
  2. Poor diagrammatic representation: Some candidates drew very poor outlines of the features they wanted to represent. This impacted negatively on their performance.
  3. Weak performance in the question on Koppen’s climatic classification: Quite a good number of the candidates who attempted the question could not list the major groups of Koppen’s climates and the basis of Koppen’s classification.
  4. Poor performance on the question on plateau and its usefulness: Some candidates who attempted the question on plateau could not describe the formation of tectonic plateau. Similarly, some of the candidates could not outline the ways plateau are beneficial to man.
  5. Poor performance on the question involving the formation of springs: Some candidates were unable to adequately explain the ways springs were formed using diagram to aid them in explaining the formations.



If the underlisted measures are taken, it will improve on the performance of candidates.

  1. Good expression: Candidates are advised to improve their expressions by reading good textbooks, novels and participating in debates.
  2. Practising the drawing of diagrams: As the candidates read their books in readiness for their examinations, they should also practise the drawing of appropriate features that will aid them in the explanation of concepts.
  3. Covering the syllabus before the start of the examination: Candidates are advised to start preparing for the examination on time so that they would fully cover the syllabus before the start of the examination.