Health Education Paper 2 WASSCE (SC 2ND), 2019

Question 8


  1. State five causes of single parenthood.

    [5 marks]

  2. Mention five positive attitudes that should be cultivated by a couple.

    [5 marks]

  3. Explain the following terms as used in health:

    1. incubation period.

    2. immunization.

    3. mortality rate.

    4. incisor.

      [6 marks]

  4. State four objectives of safety education.

    [4 marks]


This question was attempted by majority of the candidates and their performance was fair.

In part (a) majority of the candidates were able to state causes of single parenthood. In part (b)

they did well in it. In part (c) this question was poorly answered, some candidates could not

define the stated terms in health. In part (d) they did well in it

The expected answers are as follows:

    • Causes of single parenthood

    • separation/divorce/broken home.

    • unemployment/loss of job.

    • economic constraint within the family/named.

    • negative extended family influence.

    • peer group influence.

    • societal/environmental influence.

    • imitation of habit/behaviour.

    • pride/arrogance.

    • affluence.

    • death of the one of the spouses.

    • prostitution.

    • ill manner/bad temperament.

  1. Positive attitudes that should be cultivated by a couple

    • understanding/considerate/love.

    • patience.

    • tolerance/forbearance.

    • deliquence.

    • communication/ free flow of information.

    • appreciation/gratitude.

    • praise/commendation;

    • agreement.

    • respect/humility.

    • honesty/intergrity.

    • trust.

  2. Explanation of terms

    1. Incubation period

    2. Is the time/period between infection; and the first signs and symptoms of a disease.

    3. Immunization

    4. Is the process; of administering vaccines/dead microbes; into the body of an organism to produce; resistance against the disease.

    5. Mortality rate.

    6. Is the number of death; of people; in a particular period of time; in a defined population/environment.

  3. Objectives of safety education

    • To develop positive safety habits/culture.

    • To prevent accident;

    • To reduce hazard/prevent condition from getting worse.

    • To acquire skills/ knowledge of dealing with emergency situations.

    • To inculcate safety culture/save life.

    • To develop positive attitude towards injured/sick persons.