History Paper 2 WASSCE (PC), 2017



    In what five ways can the pre-colonial history of Nigeria be reconstructed?



This question was unpopular among the candidates and those who attempted it performed poorly. It required the candidates to state sources for reconstructing pre-colonial Nigerian history. Avery few of the candidates understood and answered the question rightly. However, a larger percentage misinterpreted the question to mean ways of transforming Nigeria and scored low marks. Specifically, the candidates were expected to state the following points.


The pre-history of Nigeria can be restructured through:
(i)         oral traditions;
(ii)        archeological findings;
(iii)       study of serology;
(iv)       the study of numismatic;
(v)        ethnography/anthropology;
(vi)       the study of ethnobotany;
(vii)      art forms; 
(viii)     written/documentary sources;
(ix)       linguistics;
(x)        palaeography.