History Paper 2 WASSCE (PC), 2017

Question 6


  1. Highlight any five factors that contributed to the decline of Benin Empire in the 19th century.



This was a fairly popular question and was attempted by many candidates. A number of the candidates were able to answer and score good marks while few of them advanced irrelevant points. In order to get good grade, candidates were expected to highlight the following points.

(i)         Ascension of weak rulers to Benin throne.
(ii)        The Benin Empire declined due to the loss of revenue as a result of the abolition of the slave trade.
(iii)       The diversion of trade from Ughoton to Badagry.
(iv)       Revolts by the vassal states.
(v)        Tributes from the vassal states declined.
(vi)       Succession disputes within the Benin Dynasty.
(vii)      The Yoruba Civil Wars made it difficult for Benin traders to transport their products by land             to the port of Lagos.
(viii)     The Fulani Jihad also contributed to the decline of Benin’s economy.
(ix)       Agriculture also declined.
(x)        British interference in the Benin affairs which led to the Benin massacre.