Part (a) of this question required that candidates drew straight lines, one each passing through
points Sand R and parallel to PQ and UT as shown in the diagram below but the report stated
that majority of the candidates did not.From the diagram, LMQR = LQRN = 180 -125 = 55° ( alternate angles), LVST = 44° (alternate
angle to LSTU). Therefore LNRS = LVSR = 80 - 44° = 360• Hence, r = 55 + 36 = 91°
In part (b), candidates' performance was reported to be worse than part (a). Candidates were
reported to have exhibited poor understanding of circle theorems. Teachers were encouraged
to do a lot of work in this area.

From the diagram, LBDA = LBAS = 600 (angles in the alternate segment). LBAE = 180° - 5x
(adjacent angles on a transversal). Therefore LBAS + LBAE + LEAT = 60 + 180 - 5x + x = 180
(angles on a straight line). Solving this simple equation gave x = 150. Candidates' performance
this question was described as poor.