Metal Works 2, WASSCE (PC 2ND), 2019

Question 1



  1. The sketch below is a tool.
    1. Identify the tool;
    2. Identify the parts labelled A, B, C and D;
    3. State one use each of the parts labelled B and C.

    1. What is a self secured joint?
    2. List two types of self secured joints.




This question attracted most of the candidates. This may be due to primacy effect as it was the first question. Part (a) of the question was well responded to by the candidates. However candidates could not give the required responses to part (b). The required response to part (b) is:


    1. A self secured joint is the joint formed by folding and interlocking thin sheet metal edges together in such a manner that they are made secure without additional joining process.
      • Paned-down;
      • Grooved seam;
      • Knocked-up.