Question 3
- The sketch below is a tool. with the aid of a labelled sketch, explain fullering in forging.
- Sketch a split pattern.
- State the purpose of using a split pattern.
- State one use each of the following sheet metalwork tools:
- Hand shears;
- Stakes;
- Mallets.
This question was very difficult for the candidates as they could not give the required responses to the various parts of the question. The required responses to the various parts of the question are:
Fullering involves the use of fuller in pairs, the bottom fuller in the hardie hole and top one being held in the position is struck with the sledge. Where the drawing down is tapered, the fullering would begin with small indents, getting heavier towards the point and work would be finished with the hammer on the anvil.
- Split patterns are when more complex sand castings are to be produced.
- Hand shears are used for cutting sheet metal.
- Stakes are used to shape sheet metals.
- Mallets are used for flatterning and bending sheet metals.