Office Practice WASSCE (SC), 2017

Question 7

(a) List four devices for storing information.


(b) State the sources of each of the following information

(i) official report on the parliamentary proceeding;

(ii) official statement by government on its views on a report of a committee;

(iii) correct spellings of words;

(iv) appointments and promotions of senior government officials.


(c) List and explain four qualities of information.


Majority of the candidates avoided this question. Few of them that attempted the question did not do well.


Some of the expected responses are:

(a) (i) Diskette;

(ii) CD Rom

(iii) Flash drive;

(iv) Memory card;

(v) Hard disk.etc


(b) (i) Hansard;

(ii) White paper;

(iii) Dictionary;

(iv) Gazette.


(c) Qualities of good information:

(i) Timeliness – A good piece of information is one that can easily be accessed as and when required;

(ii) Meaningfulness – Its message must be capable of being easily interpreted by the reader;

(iii) Currency – The message which the piece of information conveys must not be stale;

(iii) Accuracy – The idea or message must be factual and correct;

(iv) Usability – The information must be useful for the purpose for which it is required;

(v) Clarity – A good piece of information is one that is written legibly and in good english. Etc