Photography Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2018

Question 4

  1. (a)        Mention any six ways to prevent damage to a digital camera.
    (b)        Explain how the Rule of Thirds can be achieved in a photographic composition.


This was a straight forward question for the candidates.  Nevertheless, the candidates attempted the question very well. Candidates were expected to explain the following points in their answers:
               (a)          -           Avoid applying heavy pressure on the LCD screen.
                        -           Prevent the camera getting in contact with liquid.
                        -           Do not expose the camera to fire or any hot material or surface.
                        -           Keep the camera clean and free of dust.
                        -           Avoid dropping the camera on hard surface.
                        -           Ensure the lens is properly covered when not in use.
                        -           Keep the camera away from strong magnetic fields.
                        -           Avoid touching the internal mirror and other mechanism within.
                        -           Batteries should be removed from the camera when not going to be in
                                    use for up to ninety (90) days.
                        -           Strap should be used with the camera all the time.
                        -           Camera should be stored in a bag/pouch when not in use.
                        -           protect camera from direct sunlight

(b)        The rule of thirds is achieved by visually dividing the frame into equal thirds horizontally and vertically, then placing the centre of interest in or near any of the four joints or intersections created by grid divisions.