Question 2

- The diagram above illustrates a projectile motion. Identify each of the physical quantities labelled P, β, H and R.
- Write an equation to show the relationship between P, g and Rmax’ where g is the acceleration due to gravity and Rmax is maximum R.
Majority of the candidates were able to identify P, β, H and R correctly. However, those who saw
P as velocity (not initial velocity), β as angle of elevation (not angle of projection) and H as
vertical height (not maximum height) lost mark. Some candidates lost mark in
2(b) because they wrote Rmax = u2/g instead of Rmax = P2/g
The expected answer is
(a) Identification of labelled physical quantities
P - initial velocity/velocity of projection
β - angle of projection
H - maximum height reached
R - range/horizontal distance (covered)
(b) Equation showing relationship between P, g and Rmax
Rmax = P2/g