Physics (Essay) Paper 2 WASSCE (PC 2ND), 2020

Question 7


(a)        What is a magnetic material?
(b)        Describe two ways of demagnetizing a magnet.



In the question candidates performance was average.

The expected answers are

 (a)    Magnetic material

A substance that can be made a magnet
A substance that can be attracted by a magnet                                              


  (b)   Description of ways of demagnetizing a magnet
              Any 2 x 1                                                                                                       

-           Place the magnet in a solenoid whose axis points in east-west direction and apply alternating current through it. Then withdraw the magnet very slowly out of it to a long distance.                                                                                                         
-           Hold the magnet pointing in east-west direction and hammer/hit it hard repeatedly

    -           Place the magnet on a source of heat. Heat it very strongly for a long time