Candidates manifested weaknesses as follows:
many candidates could not measure and record quantities from metre rule,
stop watch and protractor to the required accuracies.
many candidates failed to express their evaluations from tables such as reciprocals
of quantities to the required number of significance (sf) and decimal places (d.p)
inability to plot graph to the required accuracy.
inability to make deductions from the graph.
poor language expression
poor computational skills.
obtain correct and neat traces.
over approximation of data for easy plotting
candidates disregarded the instruction to start graph from the origin (0,0)
unable to define centripetal force and explain how galvanometer may be adapted to read as an ammeter.
It was suggested that to remedy these weaknesses:
Teachers should expose candidates to practical activities early enough.
Qualified and well remunerated physics teachers should be engaged.
Enough periods should be allotted to physics on schools time table.
Schools to provide enough and functional apparatus in their laboratory.
Schools principals should rekindle the reading culture among candidates by creating an enabling environment.
Previous Chief Examiners Report should be made available to teachers for use rather than keeping the report in their office.
Schools should sponsors teachers to attend coordination which will help teachers to teach appropriately.