Salesmanship WASSCE (SC), 2016

Question 6

(a) List six sociological factors that influence consumer behaviour.

(b) State five steps involved in consumer decision making process.


Candidates failed to list the sociological factors instead, they listed the economic, psychological factors question 6(a). In question 6(b), most candidates could not state the steps involved in consumer decision making process.


Expected responses are;


6. (a) Sociological factors affecting consumer behaviour are:

(i) Family income;

(ii) Occupation;

(iii) Education;

(iv) Age;

(v) Sex/Gender

(vi) Religion;

(vii) Culture;

(viii) Social groups;

(ix) Urban and rural community;

(x) Opinion leaders.


(b) Steps involved in consumer decision making process:

(i) Need recognition - The buying process starts when the consumer recognizes a need or problem to be satisfied or solved by the purchase of a product. Need can be triggered by the sales force or by the consumer;

(ii) Information search - An aroused consumer will be inclined to search for information on available products that would satisfy his need. Such information can be gathered from salesman or advertising media;

(iii) Product alternative evaluation - After gathering information on the various products that may satisfy his needs, the consumer evaluates the product based on quality, price and performance;

(iv) Purchase decision - At the evaluation stage, the consumer forms preference among the brands in the choice set and makes a decision based on brand that best meet his expectation;

(v) Post purchase evaluation - After purchasing the product, the consumer will experience some levels of satisfaction or dissatisfaction.