Salesmanship WASSCE (SC), 2017

Question 3

(a)        List six characteristics of a salesman.

            (b)        Explain five uses of sales forecasting in an organization


Some candidates found it difficult to list the characteristics of a salesman 3(a). They did more of stating without providing the right response to the question. In 3(b), Most candidates seem not to understand the meaning of sales forecasting. They looked at it from marketing/market research perspective. This misconception affected the quality of their responses.
The responses expected from candidates are:

3(a)      Characteristics of a Salesman are:

(i)         Motivation;
(ii)        Friendliness;
(iii)       Confidence;
(iv)       Persuasiveness;
(v)        Politeness;

(vi)       Favourable temperament;
(vii)      Pleasant personality/good dressing habit;
(viii)     Good communication skill;
(ix)       Perseverance/persistence;
(x)        High level of energy/physical strength;
(xi)       Creativity/innovativeness;
(xii)      Initiative/focused;
(xiii)     Honesty;
(xiv)     Desire to achieve/enthusiasm.

             (b)       Uses of Sales forecasting in an organization:

(i)         It helps management to allocate financial resources to deserving departments;
(ii)        It helps in production scheduling planning;
(iii)       It helps in planning the procurement of raw materials;
(iv)       It is used in planning of personnel requirement;
(v)        It is used for planning and management of demand and supply for products;
(vi)       It is used for research and development of new products;
(vii)      It is a measuring rod of the efficiency of the sales force;
(viii)     It helps in inventory control;
(ix)       It is used to estimate the market share of a firm;
(x)        It is used to determine future sales/profitability of products;
(xi)       It helps a firm to achieve competitive advantage;
(xii)      It helps a firm in financial planning.