Make the test piece shown on the next page, using the timber which has been planed to the following sizes (all dimensions are in millimetres):
two pieces 185 x 150 x 20;
one piece 165 x 150 x 20;
two pieces 165 x 30 x 20;
one piece 200 x 20 x 20.
(2) You may use any of the ordinary hand tools but the use of glue, glass-paper, files, rasps and scrapers are not allowed.
(3) Any dimensions which are omitted from the drawing are left to your own discretion.
(4) If you make any mistakes, work as near to the drawing as possible. Additional materials will not be supplied.
(5) Print your name and index number clearly on each piece of wood and assemble your work before handing it over to the supervisor.
