Health Education Paper 2 WASSCE (PC 2ND), 2021

Question 2



(a) Explain the term postnatal care.                                                      [3 marks]

(b)State five functions of an antenatal clinic                                         [5 marks]





This question was attempted by many candidates and they performed well in it.

The expected answers are:

(a)       Postnatal care
consist of all the measures/cares; given after safe delivery of the baby; to ensure good health of both mother and the baby; for the first six weeks after delivery.

(b)        Functions of the antenatal clinic
                     -         Confirmation of pregnancy;
-         Immunization;
-         Provision of regular medical examination/medication;
-         Recording medical history of the mother;
-         Review of unsuspected illness/assess the health status of mother and foetus;
                     -         Checking for the correct positioning of foetus in preparation for delivery;
                     -         Encouraging family interaction/bonding;
                     -         Preventing child and maternal mortality;
                     -         Preventing unwanted pregnancy;
                     -         Educating on safe parenting ie. feeding, personal hygiene.