Office Practice Paper 1, May/June 2014  
Questions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7   Main
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Question 2

Question  2

  1. Write short notes to explain the following:
  1. Visitors’ book;;
  2. Mail register;
  3. Dispatch book;
  4. Address book.
  1. List three qualities of good information.
  2. List five sources of information.


The performance of the candidates in this question was average.  Most of them provided correct answers to the question, but few of them showed lack of understanding of the question.  Some of them answers required are as follows:

          2(b)    qualities of good information

  1. Accuracy
  2. Timeliness
  3. Simplicity
  4. Clarity etc.


2(c )   Sources of information

  1. Telephone directories
  2. White paper
  3. Hansard
  4. Internet etc.
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