building construction Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2016

Question 4

  • (a)        State five functions of plaster in a building.

                (b)        Sketch a pictorial view of each of the following:

    1. quartering guage;
    2. guage box.

    (c)        List two materials used in the manufacture of cement.

  • Observation

    Most candidates were able to:

                -           sketch the gauge box correctly;
    -           state functions of plaster in building.
    However, few of them failed to:
    -           sketch the quartering gauge;
    -           list two materials used in the manufacture of cement.

                The expected response to question 4 is as given below:
    4 (a)     Five functions of a plastering:

    1. to exclude moisture;
    2. to provide hard wearing surface;
    3. to improve thermal insulation;
    4. to improve sound insulation;
    5. to provide for decoration;
    6. provides suitable background for other finishes.




    (c)        Materials used in the manufacture of cement:

    1. limestone or chalk;
    2. clay or shale;
    3. gypsum.