Christian Religious Studies Paper 2 WASSCE (PC), 2016

Question 4

(1 KINGS 21:1-29)

  1. Outline how Ahab displayed greed in his dealings with Naboth.
  2. What three lessons can be learnt from the episode in 4 (a) above?



This was a popular question among the candidates as most candidates attempted it. Candidates were able to perform better in this question because they were familiar with how greediness pushed Jezebel to acquire Naboth’s vineyard for Ahab after the plot to kill Naboth. This was because Naboth refused to let go of his inherited land from his ancestors. The major theme in this question is greed and the candidates were able to outline the incident as it transpired in the Bible.
After the incident, candidates were also expected to discuss about the message of Elijah to Ahab as captured below:

  1. After Naboth’s death, Jezebel told Ahab to go and possess the vineyard which he did.
  2. After that the word of the Lord came to Elijah, the Prophet, to go and confront Ahab for his sinful act.
  3. Elijah confronted Ahab by asking “have you killed and also taken possession?”
  4. He also told Ahab that in the place where dogs licked the blood of Naboth, dogs would lick his blood.
  5. Elijah again said that Jezebel would also die and the body eaten by dogs.
  6. Ahab upon hearing these words rent his cloths, put on sackcloth and fasted.

The B part of the question was well answered by candidates. They pointed out that, one should be contented with what one have, family property should be protected, people in authority should not use their position to destroy others, one should desist from greed and covetousness, nothing can be hidden from God amongst others. On the overall, performance of candidates to this question was above average.