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Government Paper 2, Nov/Dec. 2009  
Questions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Main
General Comments




Question 2

  • Outline three merits of a federal system of Government.
  • Highlight three shortcomings of the system.

This was a popular question that attracted a wide patronage of candidates.  Majority of those that attempted the question scored very good marks in the (a) part of it.  Relevant points such as the following were outlined by the candidates and they were handsomely rewarded.

Uniting people; encouraging healthy competition; bringing government nearer, guaranteeing human rights, etc.

However, the (b) part of the question was a bit difficult for candidates.  Many of them managed to score average marks in the (b) part.  They scarcely remembered the shortcomings of a federal system of government.

The overall candidates’ performance in the question was a bit above average.  Candidates were expected to state some of the following shortcomings of federalism:

  • Inter-state frictions as a result of differences in opinion among
  • These component states into which powers are shared;
  • Unnecessary duplication of organs of government;
  • It is expensive to operate;
  • Difficulty in taking quick decisions as a result of the consultations required before decisions are taken;
  • Encourages secession because of the fear of domination among the various ethnic groups, etc.
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