Government 2,Nov/Dec 2018

Question 4


(a) What is a parliamentary system of government?
(b) Identify any four features of parliamentary system of government.


This was a popular question and the candidates that answered it did very well. They understood the demands of the question and scored good marks. However, some of the candidates scored low marks in part (b) by giving skimpy answers without further explanations. The candidates were expected to write the following points as answers to the question:
(a)        It is a system of government in which the functions of both the Head of State and Head of Government are separated. The Head of State performs ceremonial duties while the Head of Government performs real executive functions.
(b)(i)     Fusion of the executive and legislative powers.
(ii)        The existence of bicephelous executive.
(iii)       The Prime minister appoints ministers from within the parliament.
(iv)       There is the existence of the principle of collective responsibility.
(v)        The existence of parliamentary supremacy.
(vi)       The use of vote ‘’no confidence’’ is popular in parliamentary system.
(vii)      Executive has no fixed tenure of office.
(viii)     Opposition party is officially recognized.
(ix)       Party discipline is stronger in parliamentary system of government.
(x)        Coalition government is popular in parliamentary system of government.
(xi)       The Head of state has the power to dissolve parliament and call for fresh