Candidates had difficulty in answering questions on sound system as well as the Oral and Written Literature aspects of the paper. This could be attributed to lack of qualified teachers and inadequate study of the texts by the candidates. They also had problems in orthography. Some candidates did not adhere strictly to the rubrics. Poor handwriting and non coverage of the syllabus also contributed to their poor performance in some aspects of the paper.
- Seminars and Workshops should be organized by the respective State Ministries of Education for Hausa teachers in areas of phonetics and phonology as well as the grammatical aspect to acquaint them with the topics.
- Candidates should develop more interest in reading.
- Candidates should be advised to improve their handwriting and write legibly.
- Candidates should be kept busy at all times by giving them take-home assignments.
- Qualified teachers shouldbe employed and the existing ones should be allowed to go for in-service training.
- Schools should make the selected texts available in the libraries for the students.