Candidates showed improvement in their ability to:
- adhere to instruction by answering required number of questions ;
- list pieces of equipment used in detecting auditory defects;
- state ways of caring for the eye;
- mention sources of water used in rural areas;
- list human habits that could cause posture defects;
- mention food items that can be preserved by frying;
- suggest the disease associated with symptoms of watery stool, vomiting and dehydration;
- state the causative agent of the disease suggested in 1(a)(1);
- suggest ways through which the sick people of the disease suggested with infected people;
- state ways of preventing the disease suggested;
- name non African pioneers in health;
- mention methods of disinfecting lavatories in homes;
- state road signs displayed on major road users;
- mention organs that are protected by the skill and ribs;
- state benefits of eating balanced diet effects of over eating in humans and effects of under-eating in humans;
- state features of the thoracic vertebra;
- state possible problems that can affect a family.