History Paper 2, Nov/Dec. 2012  
Questions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Main
General Comments


            A summary of candidates’ weaknesses is presented below:

  1. Poor Map Work


Many candidates could not draw the sketch maps of Nigeria and Africa as required        by  the question.  Such candidates could not locate the features that were demanded        of them.

  1. Inadequate Coverage of the Syllabus


Some candidates could not cover the entire syllabus before the start of the      examinations as revealed by their poor performance in questions relating to        plantation agriculture in East Africa and the question on Tropical Continental       Climate.

  1. Scanty Answers


Some candidates gave scanty answers without adequate substantiation of their points thereby leading to loss of marks.

  1. Poor expressions


Some candidates expressed their points in clumsy language that could not be   understood. The acquisition of skills, the presentation of ideas in English Language     will be of immense help to candidates in their examinations




  1. Practicing the act of map drawing


It is advised that candidates practice the drawing of maps, the use of keys for the representation of features and the right placement of features into the required     positions on maps.

  1. Prompt Commencement of Reading


If candidates commence preparation for examination on time, they will be able to     cover the syllabus before the start of the examinations.

  1. Explanation of Points


Candidates should explain the points to their answers adequately in order to score high marks.  They should avoid mere listing of points.  Since this practice leads to loss of precious marks.

  1. Correct Expressions


Candidates should read textbooks, magazines, newspapers and journals that will help them master the structure of sentences.  This will help them present ideas in correct English.

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