History Paper 2 WASSCE School Candidates 2019

Question 4

  1. List any three regional capitals in Nigeria during the colonial period.

  2. Identify any four social developments that took place in Nigeria between 1900 and 1960.


This was unpopular question and very few of the candidates attempted it. Many candidates failed to identify the materials used by wood carvers. A large number of candidates failed to explain the processes of furniture making at the time in question. However, candidates are expected to mention the under listed points to score high marks:

    1. Western Region; - Ibadan

    2. Eastern Region; - Enugu

    3. Northern Region. - Kaduna

    1. Vast improvements were made in the area of communication.

    2. Extensive construction of roads, bridges, railways and airports.

    3. Increase in urbanization.

    4. Increase in western education.

    5. Increase in employment opportunities.

    6. Provision of pipe-borne water.

    7. Improvement in health care and sanitation.

    8. Construction of housing estates.

    9. Promotion of religious freedom.

    10. Promotion of sporting and recreational activities.

    11. Provision of electricity.

    12. The furniture was then polished to prevent it being eaten by termites and also to make it look attractive.