History Paper 2 WASSCE School Candidates 2019

Question 8

Outline any five problems Nigeria faced in her attempt to industrialize in the 20th century.


This was also a popular question and was widely attempted by the candidates. A large number of candidates interpreted the question correctly but some of them wrote skimpy answers which resulted in low marks for the candidates. Generally, candidates were expected to mention the following points in order to get good marks:

  1. The narrowness of market due to low per capita income.

  2. High cost of production.

  3. Inadequate skilled personnel.

  4. Corruption.

  5. The low level of literacy.

  6. There was shortage of institutions that could improve labour force and stimulate the raising of capital.

  7. The high cost of machinery.

  8. Obsolete state of machines in use.

  9. Dependence on foreign capital.

  10. Problem of federal character.

  11. Political interference.

  12. Poor supply of electricity.

  13. Poor transportation.