History Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2021

Question 6

    Outline any five features of the political organisation of Benin Empire in the 19th century


This was a popular question. Many candidates that attempted it had a good understanding of the demands of the question. The candidates were expected to explain the following points in order to score good marks.

(i)         The Empire was headed by the Oba.
(ii)        Succession to the throne was hereditary and the oldest male was the successor.
(iii)       The Oba made all laws and took important decisions.
(iv)       The Oba was assisted by a State Council (Uzama) made up of seven  notable chiefs.
(v)        The Eghaevbo consisted of two groups of chiefs- the town chiefs and palace chiefs who assisted in the administration of the state.
(vi)       The Eghaevbo was led by the lyase.
(vii)      The Eghaevbo n’ogbe as an executive council made laws, declared  wars and fixed dates for state festivals.
(viii)     Benin had a standing army led by the Ezomo who was assisted by the Ologbosere.
(ix)       The provinces were ruled by provincial chiefs.
(x)        The Oba monopolised trade and collected revenue from traders and vassal states.
(xi)       The loyal support of the vassal states was sought especially when a new Oba was installed.
(xii)      The Uzama presided over the courts.
(xiii)     There were other title holders such as Iyasere, Iwebo (incharge of Oba’s regalia) Iyoba , Edaikan,  Unwagwe  played significant roles in the administration.
(xiv)     Some degree of liberty/ freedom was given to some loyal vassal states who paid tributes regularly.