History Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2021

Question 8

    Outline any five negative effects of the colonial economy on Nigeria.


This was an unpopular question and was not attempted by most of the candidates. The performance of the candidates who answered it was not good as they did not really understand its demands. The candidates were expected to give the following points as answers to the question.

(i) The colonial economy relegated the indigenous businesses in favour of European firms

(ii) It created urban centres and neglected the rural areas.
(iii) It created an uneven development in the country.
(iv) It encouraged cash crop production at the expense of food crops.
(v) It determined the prices of cash crops at the detriment of Nigerian farmers.

(vi) Roads, railways and ports were purposely built to convey raw materials to Britain not to link the whole country.
(vii) It promoted external trade instead of internal trade.

(viii) It also established banks that gave credit facilities mostly to Europeans