Animal Husbandry Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2018

Question 4


(a) (i)  List five external parts of a cock. (5 marks)

(ii)  Name three viral diseases that could affect poultry.(3 marks)
(b)  State five signs that could be observed in a sick animal.  (5 marks)
(c)   Explain each of the following terms as used in livestock production:
(i)  drenching;
(ii) dipping. (4 marks)
(d)  Name three body systems in farm animals.    (3 marks)



This question was the most popular among the candidates. Majority of the candidates were able to answer question 4(a) and (b) and earned good marks but were unable to explain dipping and drenching. Many of the candidates do not understand what drenching is.

The expected answers include:

4. (a)   (i)        External parts of a cock
-           toe/digits                     -           wing                            -           tail                                                -           cock                            -           breast                          -           claw
-           wattle                          -           feathers                       -           comb                                    -           nostril                         -           beak                            -           eye
-           earlobe/ear                  -           hock                            -           thigh                                                -           neck                            -           leg/shank                     -           spur

(ii)       Viral diseases of poultry
-           Fowl pox                                                     -   Bird flu/avian influenza
-           Newcastle disease                                       -   Mareks
-           Gumboro/infectious bursal disease       - Infectious bronchitis

(b)       Signs observed in a sick farm animal
-           loss of appetite                                                            -           restlessness
-           loss of weight / emaciation                             -           anaemia
-           diarrhoea/excessive stooling                          -           coughing/sneezing
-           fever / high body temperature                                    -           gnashing of teeth
-           stained urine                                                   -           undue noise
-           alopecia / loss of hair                                      -        swollen skin/oedema
-           sudden death/coma                                         -           vomiting
-           blood stained feaces                                        -           constipation
-           standing hair/rough feather/droopy wing                   -           convulsion
-           isolation from the flock                                              -           nasal discharge
-           oozing of blood from natural openings/orifices         -           ocular discharge
-           excessive salivation                                       -        difficulty of breathing
-           inflammation of organs
-           skin blister/inflammations/reddened skin

(c)       Explanation of terms

  • Drenching

-           Give orally a dose of solution to animal to control endoparasites
-           It involves the use of drench bottles/drenching gun
-           It is done to control endoparasites

(ii)       Dipping
-    The process of passing animals through chemical solution to remove       

  • It is done when the weather is fair
  • Animals should not be thirsty and hungry before dipping

(d)       Body systems in farm animals
-      circulatory system                -           digestive system
-      reproductive system/reproductory system     -       respiratory system
-      muscular system                     -           endocrine system
-      nervous system                     -           excretory system

 -      lymphatic system                  -           skeletal system