Animal Husbandry Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2018

Question 6


(a)  Name five agents involved in the marketing of animal products. (5 marks) 
(b)(i)  Define the term pasteurization as used in milk processing. (2 marks) 
(ii) State two ways in which pasteurization of milk is important.   (2 marks)
(iii) List four milk products. (4 marks)
(c)   State four factors that affect the yield of milk in cows.  (4 marks)
(d)  (i)  Give one reason why it is important to starve an animal before slaughtering. (1 mark)

   (ii)  List two pre-slaughtering activities. (2 marks)



This question was fairly attempted by the candidates. Most of them could not define pasteurization as well as state reasons for pasteurization although they were able to list milk products and state the factors affecting milk yield in cows.
Candidates erroneously reasoned that the practice of starving farm animals before slaughtering was to make them weak and easy to overpower and could only mention starving as a pre-slaughtering activity which made them lose some marks..

The expected answers include:

6. (a)   Agents involved in the marketing of animal products
-           media/advertiser               -           producer
-           wholesaler                   -           importers
-           co-operative society            -           middlemen
-           exporter                    -           transporter
-       marketing boards / commodity boards    -           processor
-      commissioned agents         -        consumers
-        retailers

(b)      (i)        Definition of Pasteurization
-           this is the heating of milk to make it fit for human consumption
-           this is the process of heating milk at a specific temperature for a 
specific period of time to make it wholesome for human
       (ii)       Importance of pasteurization of milk
-           it reduces contamination by harmful micro-organisms in milk
-           It slows down the process of spoilage
-           it improves the quality of milk
-           it improves the shelf life of milk/preservation
(iii)      Milk products
-           powdered milk     -           butter
-           ice cream         -           yoghurt
-           cheese/wara       -           whey
-           ghee            -           condensed milk

(c)       Factors affecting the yield of milk in cows
-           pest infestation   -           age of the animal
-           physiological state of the animal          -           disease
-           health of the animal/illness               -           breed of animal
-           climatic/weather conditions/environment     -      water availability
-           method of collection/milking
-           nutrition of the animal/inadequate feeding
-           excitement / agitation / stress
-           length of lactation period
-           hormonal imbalance/inability to secrete oxytocin

(d)(i)        Reasons for starving an animal before slaughtering
-           reduces contamination of meat with digesta/faeces
-           promotes easy dressing/correct dressing percentage
-           promote meat tenderness
            (ii)       Pre-slaughtering activities
-           cleaning/sanitation
-           starving/fasting
-           weighing of animals
-           restraining
-           provision of water for the animals to drink
-           assembling of slaughtering tools

  -           inspection/pre-mortem