Agriculture Paper 2, WASSCE (SC), 2017

Question 4

  1. Discuss maize smut disease under the following headings:

    i.causal organism; ;

    ii.mode of transmission;

    iii.two symptoms;

    iv.two cultural control measures. [6 marks]

  2. Enumerate four forest management practices in West Africa [4 marks]
  3. i.State four classes of farm animals based on their uses.

    ii. Give one example of each class stated in 4(c)(i). [8 marks]



 Most candidates scored this point correctly. Forest management practices was also scored by majority of the candidates. This sub-question surprisingly proved difficult for some candidates. The expected answers include:

4(c)(i). Classes of farm animals based on their uses

- Animals reared for food (meat/milk/egg producers

- Animals reared for work/draught animals

- Sport/recreation animals

- Pet animals

- Animals reared for protection

