Candidates' Weakness
Candidates were unable to:
- - calculate the area of farm lands
- - list non-governmental agricultural organizations in West Africa
- - state advantages of animal power
- - classify insect pests according to their modes of feeding
- - correctly spell some technical words
- - correctly state primary and secondary tillage implements.
- - deficiency symptoms of Phosphorus.
- - classify farm animals based on their uses and could not give examples
- - state the sources of plant protein
- - give examples of forage legumes found in rangelands in West Africa
- - explain agricultural insurance
- - give reasons why beekeeping is important
- - state the functions of parts of disc plough
- - correctly state the characteristics of labour as a factor of production
specific enterprise insurance, fire insurance and life assurance.
Based on the observed weaknesses the Chief Examiners recommended as follow:
- - Adequate teaching and coverage of the syllabuses. Aspects of the syllabus such as farm mechanization/Agricultural engineering, crop and animal production, agricultural economics amongst others should be covered by teachers with particular emphasis on the new areas of the syllabus;
- - Teachers should teach the students with appropriate diagrams where necessary;
- - Teachers should emphasize the acquisition of practical skills in the subjec
- Only graduates of Agricultural Science/Agriculture should be allowed to teach the subject in Senior Secondary Schools in West Africa.