- State three desirable properties of a floor finish.
- Sketch the cross-section through a dependent scaffold and label the following
- ledger;
- platform;
- putlog;
- standard.
- State two sources of capital for setting up a concrete production industry.
Most candidates were able to state the:
- desirable properties of a floor finish;
- sources of capital for setting up a concrete production industry.
However, majority of the candidates were unable to sketch the cross-section through a dependent scaffold.
The expected response to question 5 is as given below:
- Desirable properties of a floor finish
- Resistance to moisture penetration.
- Resistance to wear.
- Durability.
- Non-slippery.
- Good aesthetic effect.
- Easy maintenance.
- Economical.
- Resistance to acid, oils and other chemicals.
(c) Sources of capital
- Personal savings/money;
- Financial support from friends and family.
- Profit from other investment owned by the prospective owner of the concrete industry.
- Loans from friends and family
- Bank loan.
- Cooperative loan.
- Grants.
- Money from bonds and stocks.