building construction Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2019

Question 3

(a)   List three methods of transporting fresh concrete from the ground to an upper floor.

(b) Sketch a straight flight timber stair and label the following parts:

(i)   string;
(ii)  newel post;
(iii) riser;
(iv) baluster.


(c)    List three materials used for the construction of a window sill.


Majority of the candidates were able to:

  • list three methods of transporting fresh concrete from the ground to an upper floor;
  • List three materials used for the construction of a window sill.  

However, many of them failed to sketch a straight flight timber stair and label the following parts:
-   string;
-   newel post;
-   riser;
-   baluster.

The expected response to question 3 is as given below:

(a)   Methods of Transporting Freshly Mixed Concrete from Ground to Upper floor level

The freshly mixed concrete can be transported by using

-    Conveyor belt
-    Pump machine and pipe-line
-    Tower crane
-    Barrow hoist
-    Carrying with headpan
-    Gin wheel

(b)  A Sketch of a Straight Flight Timber Staircase and labelling of String, Newel post, Riser and Baluster

(c)   Materials for Window sill

  • Wood
  • Plastic
  • Metal
  • Clay tiles  
  • Bricks
  • Concrete
  • Stone