Carpentry And Joinery (Paper 2) WASSCE (SC), 2017

Weakness and Remedies


The candidates were generally weak in:

-           all the questions that involve sketching;
-           listing portable power tools for a specific operation;
-           stating the reasons for constructing joints.

To overcome these weaknesses:
-     the students should be given a project that involves sketches during their practical activities in the workshop;     
-     the teachers should help the students during their practicals to explain the specific use of all the portable power tools;
-    the schools should make it compulsory for the students offering carpentry and joinery to go for at least two month industrial attachments before graduation;
-   the school should allow their students to go out for excursion to nearby technical colleges and carpentry workshops  at least twice in a month; 
-     assignment with sketches should be given to the students at least twice a week.