Cosmestology Paper 2, WASSCE (SC), 2018

Question 2 / Observation

  Candidates’ were expected to

  1. State five benefits of facial treatment;
  2. State four conditions by which correct treatments on facial can be helpful;
  3. How often facial treatment should be given to a client;
  4. Mention measures that a cosmetologist is limited to when treating a client with acne;
  5. State the three purposes of facial make up;
  6. List seven cosmetics used in facial make up;
  7. name the type of foundation that can be used for each of the following skin:

i   Oily skin;
ii Dry skin.




Majority of the candidates preformed excellently well in questions 2(a & b) and the question was widely attempted by the candidates. However, few of the candidates were unable to state some points on the benefits of facial treatment such as:

  • it strengthens weak muscles,
  • maintain muscular tone,
  • reduces the impact of sun exposure.

In 2(c), majority of the candidates answered it correctly but few candidates wrote that twice in a week and every month instead of Once a week. Also the candidates performed brilliantly well In question 2(d, e & f).
In question 2(g), the candidates were able to name the types of foundation that oily and dry     
skin can use such as:

  •  cake / liquid and
  •  cream foundation.